Effect of Interferential Therapy and Elastic Band Exercises on Subjects with Round Shoulder and Forward Head Posture: A Randomized Trial
Forward Head Posture, Exercise, Interferential Therapy, Posture, Strength, Round Shoulder PostureAbstract
Objective: To investigate the effect of the Interferential therapy (IFT) with elastic band exercises to improve round shoulder posture (RSP) and forward head posture (FHP) in university female students.
Methods: A randomized trial was conducted at a state university in Haryana, India from July-October 2021. Females having FHP and RSP were included in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups. Group A performed elastic band exercises for 10 repetitions each twice weekly for four weeks along with IFT application for 10 minutes. While group B performed only elastic band exercises. Various Round Shoulder measurements, Craniovertebral angle (CVA) and Neck Disability Index (NDI) were assessed.
Results: Of 30 females, the mean age, weight, and BMI was 19.56±3.14 years, 50.83±9.13 Kg and 19.6±3.23 Kg/m2 respectively. The distance between 3rd thoracic vertebra (T3) and acromion was significantly improved in group A as compared to group B, i.e., 2.80 ±0.86 vs. -1.47 ±1.98 (p-value 0.020), respectively. However, an insignificant association of group A and B was found with distance from couch to acromion (p-value 0.590), distance from thoracic 3rd level to inferior angle of scapula (p-value 0.630), CVA (p-value 0.130), and NDI (p-value 0.550).
Conclusion: Four weeks of intervention have significantly improved the distance between the T3 and the acromion process parameters for both round shoulder and FHP in both groups. However, other parameters were not statistically improved but clinical improved in patients who received elastic band exercises combined with IFT.
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