
  • Madiha Sajid Department of Medicine, Dow University of Health Sciences
  • Bader Faiyaz Zuberi DUHS
  • Rashid Qadeer Department of Medicine , Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi Pakistan
  • Abdur Rauf Memon Department of Medicine , Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi Pakistan
  • Inayat Baloch Department of Medicine , Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi Pakistan


Hypcrglyccm ia hcm ichorca, hemiballism, diabetes, dentate nuclei, striata


Hemichorea - hem i ball ism is a rare neurologic disorder due to oxidative stress leading to neurodegeneration o f the dentate nuclei and striata. It is rarely observed in diabetes. One such case occuring in an adult female diabetic is described.


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Author Biography

Bader Faiyaz Zuberi, DUHS

Department of Medicine Professor


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How to Cite

Sajid, M. ., Zuberi, B. F., Qadeer, R. ., Rauf Memon, A., & Baloch, I. . (2007). HYPERGLYCEMIA : AN UNUSUAL CAUSE FOR HEM ICHORE A -HEMIBALLISM. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS), 1(1), 29–30. Retrieved from https://mail.jduhs.com/index.php/jduhs/article/view/1571



Case Report